在中国,有⼀群⼈来⾃全国各地、各⾏各业,为了一个梦想:让自己和家人喝高性价比的优质葡萄酒。不以此营⽣,仅以此为趣...... 我们是独⽴酿酒师群体!







让梦想启航,酿造健康⾼品质葡萄酒, 让大众唾手可得!

In China, there are a group of people from all over the country, passionate in winemaking.

We are a group of unique wine winemakers!

Our team was founded in 2003. In order to push the winemaking technique to the extreme,  wine lovers from all over the country have jointly established Ningxia United Winery(UW)in 2015.

On its sixth year, Ningxia Danlu winery became wholly owned by UW. Therefore, we can gather a stronger professional team to produce high-quality wines and spread the experiential winemaking culture to everyone.

Every year we hold a national crowdfunding event for wine production. Every procedure including grape harvest, the brewing, appliance operation, is all open to participants.

During the winemaking season, UW welcomes free-lance winemakers, wine lovers can participate in the brewing process and have a deep understanding of every detail.

There are more and more people from all over the country participating in UW's wine crowdfunding activities each year.

Since 2015, our chief winemaker, LI HONG JIN, has won numerous international wine awards Including : A Gold Metal (35 Euro) in the Berlin Wine Awards; A Gold prize in the Brussels International Wine Competition 2018(55 Euro); A Premium Gold Metal in G100 International Wine Competition (300~600 RMB).

In 2018, UW established @Darling Cellar, a distribute line dedicated to promoting experiential wine consuming culture. Every Darling Cellar has a professional wine storage room with stabilized temperature and humidity, provides ideal storage conditions for customers. In addition, Darling Cellar regularly organizes free wine tastings, learnings, in-land express delivery service, offers self-help tasting rooms, etc. And each year @Darling Cellar organizes direct supply model of En primeur, stripping the profits of unnecessary channels,  benefiting customers at a more reasonable price.

In the coming years, UW plans to establish its own grape planting company by systematically uniting the landowners together. Therefore the company will precisely monitor the best quality from the source.

One Dream, La Voile!